


Mobile no :15096701952


  • Programming Languages : Python, R, SQL, NoSQL, Linux, HTML, Julia, VBA

  • Data Science : Data Wrangling, Data Cleaning, Analytics, Visualization, Version Control, Regression, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Cloud Computing, Parallel Computing, scikit-learn, Keras, Tensorflow, PyTorch, Spark, Prompt Engineering

  • Database : Database Creation and Management, Custom Queries, SQL Server, MongoDB, SparkSQL, MS Access, MySQL, PostgreSQL, EQuIS, Data Pipelines (ETL, ELT, Streaming), Cloud Database Systems (Google Cloud Platform), Data Pipeline Orchestration (Dagster, Airflow), Reporting (Jasper Reports,)

  • Environmental : Chemical Fingerprinting, Site Assessment, Site Conceptual Modeling, Sampling Design, Monitoring Well Location and Design, Drilling Oversight, Environmental Sampling, Permitting, Regulations, Compliance, RCRA, CERCLA, Contaminantion Extent and Transport Modeling, Remedial Design

  • Hydrogeology : Site Hydrogeologic Characterization, Water Resources Assessment and Development, Production Well Location and Design, Aquifer Testing Oversight and Data Analysis, Hydraulic Parameters Estimation, Flow and Transport Modeling, Geostatistical Modeling

  • Other Skills : Interpersonal Skills, Client and Regulator Interactions, GIS, Numerical Modeling, Analytical Modeling, Statistical Modeling, Mathematical Modeling, MS Office Suite, Technical Writing, Presentations


  • English
  • Spanish (beginner)


  • Mountain Sports
  • Fly Fishing
  • Building Machine Learning Projects


Travis B. Hammond, MS Data Science, Geology
Senior Data Manager, Data Scientist, Hydrogeologist


Scientist with extensive knowledge in data science, statistics, modeling, and interpretation. Experienced in various native and cloud-based platforms used for data analytics and modeling. Very adaptable in terms of learning new methods, techniques, and software platforms. Domain and subject matter expertise in data science as it applies to environmental and geosciences. Proven abilities in complex technical writing, planning and work efforts, staff mentoring and implementing innovative measures to reduce costs and improve productivity. Winning personality and strong interpersonal and communication skills coupled with clarity of vision, science acumen, and compelling negotiating skills. Adept at managing multiple tasks and isolating and resolving problems. A published author in a major peer-reviewed journal. A poised, polished, and articulate speaker, presenter of ideas, and leader.


NewFields, LLC., Atlanta, GA - Senior Data Manager

May 2022 to Present

Responsible for constructing and maintaining environmental database and information management systems to support scientists and engineers working primarily on remediation sites. Developing and implementing data management solutions from project inception to final deliverables, covering a range of projects from single-event assessments to multi-year monitoring and remediation projects.

Central Plateau Cleanup Company, Inc., Richland, WA - Project Scientist

June 2017 to May 2022

Provided full support as area expert and technical lead for implementation of Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) groundwater monitoring and remediation efforts for a large area of the Central Plateau and River Corridor areas on the Hanford Site.

INTERA, INC., Inc., Richland, WA - Hydrogeologist

October 2013 to June 2017

Supplied full project support as a task and technical lead for data collection, data conditioning, data analysis, modeling, and necessary technical document generation for various environmental projects for the Hanford Site. Specialized in site conceptual modeling, contamination extent and distribution modeling, geologic modeling and numerical flow and contaminant transport modeling. Directed specified tasks and supplied mentoring and direction to staff. Performed project work scope and budget development.

GSI Water Solutions, Inc., Kennewick, WA - Staff Hydrogeologist

October 2009 to July 2013

Supplied full support to project managers for data collection, data conditioning, data analysis and necessary technical document generation. Specialized in aqueous geochemical modeling. Oversaw artificial aquifer recharge activities, well drilling, and ground water sample collection. Supervised aquifer pumping tests.


Conjunctive Water Use In Confined Basalt Aquifers: An Evaluation Using Geochemistry, A Numerical Model, And Historical Water Levels, January 2013, JAWRA Journal Of The American Water Resources Association DOI: 10.1111/JAWR.12151(4):1-14

A Stable Isotope Study of Soil Water and Soil CO2 Along a Climate Gradient, June 2009, Geochemica et Cosmochimca Acta Supplement


University/college Degree Year Graduated
University of Denver MS Data Science 2022
Central Washing University Geology 2009
University of South Alabama Medical Technology 1994

Professional Projects

Central Plateau Cleanup Company : Recharge Source Determination of 100-HR-3 Groundwater using Multivariate Analysis.

Technical and Document Lead. Lead development and implementation of machine learning and unsupervised analytical methods for determining sources of groundwater recharge for the purposes of identifying inter-aquifer hydraulic connections and surface water/groundwater interactions. This effort combined multiple datasets from multiple sources and conditioned the data using appropriate transformations and scaling. Then hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis were performed to identify groundwater recharge endmembers, endmember mixing, and hydrochemical reaction pathways. The purpose of this project is to identify areas where future characterization is needed (i.e., pumping test well location selection) and to estimate the impact of pump and treat operations on the groundwater hydrochemistry. Data wrangling and multivariate analysis were performed using R.

Central Plateau Cleanup Company : Waste Management Area A-AX Tank Farm Groundwater Contamination First Determination.

Technical and Document Lead. Lead development of a detailed groundwater chemical data evaluation for determination of impact to groundwater from the facility. This effort involved data compilation from a large database, validating the data and then evaluating it using hypothesis testing (t-tests) and ANOVA in R. Valid detections of dangerous waste constituents were statistically evaluated at upgradient and downgradient locations with respect to groundwater flow, in order to determine if leaks from the tank farm were responsible for impact to the aquifer beneath the site. A first determination report was written detailing the findings of the data evaluation and statistical comparison for presentation to regulators. Results showed that the site was not impacting groundwater and as a result, monitoring requirements were eased.

INTERA : Waste Management Area C Post Closure Performance Assessment.

Task Lead. Evaluated previously generated experimental residual tank waste contaminant solubility and release data to develop input parameters for numerical contaminant transport models. Oversaw project budget tracking and generation of a monthly budgeting report.

INTERA : Initial Groundwater Plume Development to Support Fate and Transport Modeling for Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Studies of the 200-BP-5 and 200-PO-1 Groundwater Operable Units.

Technical and Document Lead. Used existing groundwater and depth-discrete contaminant of potential concern (COPC) concentration data to created initial condition 3D contaminant plumes to be used in groundwater flow and transport numerical models. Plume creation involved data compilation, creation of two-dimensional plume extent raster grids, determination of aquifer units containing the plumes and plume depth boundaries, creation of a plume depth boundary surface, and assignment of plumes to a fate and transport model grid.

GSI Water Solutions : Hydrochemical Characterization of CRBG Groundwater and Groundwater Mixing Model Development for Grant, Adams, Lincoln, and Franklin Counties, Columbia Basin Groundwater Management Area, Othello, WA.

Task Lead. Created a hydrochemical mixing model using maximum likelihood estimation methods. This model differentiated recharge end members and quantified their respective contribution quantities to mixed groundwater in basalt aquifer production wells. This model was instrumental in identifying different hydrochemical facies in confined basalt aquifers and whether these aquifers receive recharge from a modern source. This work had major groundwater resources implications for groundwater users in the Columbia Basin.